I think that it has a little of everything but eclecticism doesn’t tick the eyes and looks quite harmonious.
2018 May 9
I think that it has a little of everything but eclecticism doesn’t tick the eyes and looks quite harmonious.
2018 May 9
It's resistance to fire and friction material which doesn’t absorb moisture, easy to clean, eco-friendly and durable.
2018 May 2
Only bamboos reveal that the interior has exotic spice, and everything else is a mix of different styles.
2018 April 25
While working with my clients I notice that the majority wants to have a seating place in a hallway.
2018 April 18
During the installation a person makes selfie which transforms to a gravel after a moment.
2018 April 10
For me personally the kitchen is the most beautiful when all devices are integrated or maximally hidden.
2018 March 20
A Swedish designer Jenny Nordberg creates such a mirror in less than 5 minutes! How’s that possible for her?
2018 March 6
In addition, so that the space became physically bigger, loggia has been joined to the flat.
2018 February 27
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