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2018 May 2

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Practically each year at least one material which was forgotten survives its Renaissance. This year that’s the turn for terrazzo and I don’t even doubt its increasing popularity and success in Lithuania (while the rest of the world is already well know about this material). I’m in a hurry to make you acquainted with this material usage possibilities and qualities.

Rokas Kazlauskas, “Lapukas ir pieštukas” project manager, agreed to tell about the qualities of this material. While having asked to name all the advantages, he named the following without any doubts:

  • Eco-friendliness – there’re no resins in the composition, only natural materials: concrete, water and marble scallops;
  • Terrazzo products are productively impregnated, therefore, they don’t absorb moisture;
  • Resistance to fire and friction – A1 resistance to fire;
  • “Full body” product means that it retains its structure through the whole product thickness;
  • Easy surface maintenance – cleaning with hot water or neutral cleanser;
  • The price is several times lower than of a natural or quartz stone.
  • Preliminarily 2-centimetre-tile-price fluctuates from 45 to 90 Eur / square metre.
  • Different surface processing is used with regards to a product usage, for example, a worktop is polished or frosted; floor surface frosted; outdoor terrace – sandy or rubbed surface processing.
  • When renewed it serves for decades or even centuries. A large colour range is a non-limited possibility to express your creativity and ideas.

Well and mentioning the disadvantages Rokas has named the following ones: the minimum thickness of the product is 20 mm and it cannot be cleaned with strong household appliances (acid). I wouldn’t tell that’s huge disadvantages as far as I know there’s plenty of advantages!

Two terrazzo product shapes are possible: plates - 2,53x1,42 m / 3,05x1,25 m ir 3,05x1,4 m and tiles. Standard tiles – from 30x30 cm to 120x120 cm, non-standard – everything that can be cut out of a plate.

Probably while having read this whole information you got an impression that terrazzo can be used everywhere and you’re right! As far as the material is resistant to fire, friction and doesn’t absorb water you can surely use it in a bathroom, a kitchen and outside for decoration of walls, floors, facades, stairs, countertops and windowsills.

The usage possibilities are practically unlimited (with an exception of a limited thickness of a product), and a colour palette is indeed broad and adaptable in any interior. You can choose among white, brown, green, black, yellow and grey shades and the bravest ones can try multicoloured concrete mosaic.

As far as material is colourful by itself try to avoid colourfulness in the rest of the interior decorations or items. Terrazzo tiles perfectly look in a bathroom. They’re glued on all of the walls and floors or are combined with one colour tiles of a similar colour. In a kitchen it perfectly fits for a wall above a worktop and/or for a worktop itself, well and mosaic concrete stairs is a perfect way out for the ones who’re looking for something unusual but strong. Terrazzo brings impression of luxury and long-life to each premise, therefore, if used appropriately it will fit in the home of any style.

You can also find terrazzo imitation items, wallpapers and blankets in the market already but please choose them attentively and only as soon as you know that they will match in your interior. Mosaic must be and accent and not the dominant motif.


Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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