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2017 June 21

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Have you ever been solving a dilemma which tiles to choose for a bathroom and how to arrange them? If all the tiles look the same there‘re probably no difficulties, however, most usually the problems appear when one needs to combine tiles of several dimensions, colours, patterns and collections. I‘ve noticed from my experience that it‘s one of the most difficult works for start-ups and those who are renovating a bathroom.


I‘ve pointed out several main rules / advices which will help to create a balanced view combining more two different colour and dimension tiles. It‘s really possible to create a cozy bathroom combining even 3 or 4 different types of tiles – you only need to follow some rules.

1. Completely uniform dimensions, different colours / patterns.

That‘s probably the simplest tiles combination way. You‘ll never regret if you choose the tiles of the same dimensions – they‘ll look harmonious by themselves. Most usually the same tiles are taken from the same collection and it‘s difficult to choose from another, as if you glue the tiles at least with 2 milimetre mistake it can look as if a hooked-hand-craftsman glued them.

Indeed, that‘s not compulsory to glue the same dimension tiles closely – the most important is that their threads coincide. For example, you can combine 20x50 cm tiles with 10x10 cm tiles. Threads will coincide, therefore, the common view will look harmonious.

When you choose the colours and the patterns I‘d advise you to combine the same geometrical shapes and the colours of the similar colour palette or vice versa. The tiles of contrasting colours also look well. Again it‘ll be easiest if you‘re going to choose the tiles from one collection for such a combination. You need a good intuition to match completely different tiles.

2. Different dimensions, similar colours

If you want to combine hexagonal tiles with rectangular, square and metro style tiles I‘d advise you to use a similar colour palette. The safest version is to choose black / white and grey colours. Wooden look tiles always fit perfect. In that case it‘s important to combine proportions between colours and dimensions.

Of course, there‘re examples where pattern, square and hexagonal mosaic tiles look perfect (the example is provided below). I think that the view here is harmonious because the tile dimension relation has been chosen in a right way here, i.e. all the tiles are of a shape that‘s rather not big and there‘s also a good relation between the colours white and the accent blue.

3. Calm / quiet + colourful / patterned

You can choose a large-format non-intensive colour tiles for the background and for the focus walls you can choose brighter, more patterned and even mosaic tiles. You shouldn‘t overplay with colourful tiles. That‘s usually enough to glue one wall or the floor with them even though patterned tiles look perfect in a larger bathroom on the floor and one wall – most frequently behind a bath.



Na žiūrėsim kaip mums seksis tų taisyklių laikytis :D tuoj darysim remontą.

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2017 May 20

Evelina Aleliūnienė

Būtinai praneškite, ar padėjo patarimai :)

(2) · (0) · Reply · 2017 May 30


Labai gražiai atrodo dekoras su medžio imitacija. Radau daug idėjų

(3) · (0) · Reply · 2017 June 29

Gina ST

Noriu paklausti, kas būtų moderniau pabaigoje taperavimo. Ar tapetas su akmens mases imitacija nukirptas tiesiai, ar gražiau būtų šiek tiek iškirpti reljefo, gal ir ant priešingų sienų, kurios dažytos po akmenuką kitą lipinti ? 

Dušo zonoje apacioje plytelės,viršuje dažyta siena. Ir šalia  plytelių tapetas. Tad prie susijungimo su plytelėmis kirpimas tiesus. O kaip patartumete virs daryti? Ačiū už atsakymą.

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2020 August 14

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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