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2015 March 25

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Easter eggs were out of my to do list this year but when I started collecting photos for this article, I changed my mind:) I already know how I'm going to paint the eggs and if I will not be lazy to buy some cool stuff, I have a super duper Easter eggs! There's some time left, so I want to show you a bunch of great ideas, which will turn your eggs into the most beautiful ones among your family!

1 idea - written eggs

These eggs are extremely stilish. You can find the tutorial by clicking on the photo (bottom left link).

ohhappyday.comwritten eggs

ohhappyday.comeggs DIY ideas

2 idea - smiling eggs

Well, probably there's no more contemporary Easter eggs than these ones - they are totally adapted to our social life :)

studiodiy.comEaster eggs smiley

studiodiy.comsmiling eggs

3 idea - decoupage eggs

It looks a little bit spooky and unusual to see people faces on the eggs.

atelierchristine.comDIY easter eggs

asubtlerevelry.comDIY decoupage

4 idea - nail polished eggs

I totally love this method - it's really simple and beautiful too! Everyone could do this.

littleinspiration.comnail polish easter eggs

productreviewmom.comnail polished eggs

5 idea - silk method

This method is very popular in Lithuania, I wanted to try it last year but I didn't find any silk. Tutorial - press the link on the photo.

youwantmetobuythat.wordpress.comsilk eggs

youwantmetobuythat.wordpress.comDIY easter eggs

youwantmetobuythat.wordpress.comDIY easter eggs

6 idea - dotted eggs

It's really simple. You just need to stick some round stickers, cover the egg into the paint and remove the stickers!

dotted eggs

larecetadelafelicidad.comboiled eggs

7 idea - confetti

These eggs look really festive.

studiodiy.comconfetti eggs

8 idea - decorative adhesive tape

It's simplier than it can look at first sight - all you need is patience.

lovelyindeed.comEaster decor

missrenaissance.comDIY Easter

9 idea - bunny egg

The funny one :)

blovedblog.comIdeas for Easter

10 idea - beautiful composition

happyunicorns.comDIY easter table


Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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