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2016 June 30

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Usually when one hears the word „SMEG“ he sees the view of free-standing colorful fridge, well, and maybe a shy note that it‘s too expensive. Yes, probably some more money is paid and for the name but don‘t forget that they are Italian products and one should trust Italians. Well, at least Italian furniture and sanitaryware with quality (you would never say that about logistics) – probably a lot of people saw the note „Made in Italy“ and that would have to raise one‘s credibility.

In addition, SMEG production is divided into different classes – from economic to luxurious, but that doesn‘t mean that economic class technique is poorer. There‘re simply less technical options and different finish. Don‘t forget and the fact that when you‘re equipping a kitchen and want to preserve one-piece style in furniture as well as in household appliances, you can match a fridge, an oven, a hob, a hood, a slop-basin, a kettle, a toaster and even a washing machine, as everything is of the same manufacturer.

In addition, the washing machine has the doors, therefore, I don‘t even know if it‘s okay if the washing machine drum is visible or not.

perspectiveglobal.comsmeg appliance

smeguk.comsmeg washing mashine

westelm.comsmeg toaster in the kitchen

weareart.rusmeg  oven

pinterest.comsmeg red fridge

pinterest.comsmeg kettle

desiretoinspire.netsmeg fridge

twitter.comsmeg cream color

phunu365.netkitchen with smeg

hglivingbeautifully.comSMEG fridge

fongwan.netsmeg yellow kitchen appliance

pinterest.comblue fridge

moderncountrystyle.blogspot.ltsmeg oven

annagillar.sewhite and black kitchen

inmyroom.rumodern kitchen milk


Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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