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2017 May 23

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Most usually at least one open book shelf appears at home. Now it‘s usual to keep not only books in them but also other items: flowers, statuettes, pictures in frames, candle holders and other interior accessories. So that plenty of items looked aesthetically and easily, it‘s worth following several main principles.

1. Similar colors

Don‘t put everything that you have on the shelf – choose only those items and books that match in between by their colors. The books of achromatic and of several-focus colours are most usually combined. It‘s only for you to choose the focus colours – they should match a common room interior.

When you find appropriate books match other interior accessories to them. Glass, braided and wooden accessories match to almost everything. So that it was easier you can keep the books by contraries – with their pages in front. You‘ll not need to think a lot about colour combination then.

2. Grouping

That‘s almost the most important rule. Pay attention that in all examples the books and accessories are combined into several. Don‘t put all the books to one row – group them in fives or other uneven numbers and put those piles on the shelves. They receive the impression of easiness this way and don‘t look so overloaded.

You can also use different ways of book exposition – vertical and horizontal. You can avoid monotony this way and you can use the layers (see nr. 5).

3. Different heights

If you group vase, statuettes and books, all these three elements have to be of different heights. You can imagine that you form a triangle. „Stairs of fools“ doesn‘t fit here. Even if you put each item on the shelf in separate, items that are close to each other should be of different sizes.

4. Asymmetry

Don‘t use symmetry – that‘s boring. Each shelf is a separate element and their whole determines the common view. If you have put a frame with the picture on one shelf, it doesn‘t mean that the frame should also be next to it. Please follow different principles of heights and grouping and you‘ll avoid symmetry.

5. Layers

You should put items one on another. Horizontally combined books fit best here. You can put statuettes, frames and plants on them. Well, and if you combine several pictures in frames on one shelf, please put them in a way the smaller would cover the bigger one.



Super! Man taip truko ideju, kaip graziai viska sudelioti.. aciu :)

(2) · (0) · Reply · 2017 April 25

Evelina Aleliūnienė

Prašau - kad tik padėtų! ;)

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2017 May 22


Labai patiko, einu dėlioti daiktus lentynose :). Dėkoju už įkvėpimą!

(1) · (0) · Reply · 2017 May 19

Evelina Aleliūnienė

Džiaugiuosi, kad pavyko įkvėpti! :)

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2017 May 22

Veronika Muchliado

Trumpai ir aiškiai

(1) · (0) · Reply · 2021 March 22

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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