Momo Grill restaurant in Klaipėda

An amazing interior of Momo grill restaurant in Klaipeda (my hometown). It's really trendy scandinavian style interior.

2015 February 25


The old library restaurant

Restaurant with long history: earlier it was a church, later on it was a library and finally - this adorable restaurant.

2015 February 19


Books at home

Books at home can be a great accent to the space, however sometimes the attention is not paid to that fact. Change it!

2015 February 17


Dark interior design

Dark interior can be really attractive and not sad at all. You can create some special mood by dark colors, just be creative!

2015 January 29


Clothes store interior in Paris

I was happy to find this clothes store interior. I can feel the power of interior which should help sell good for sure...

2015 January 27


Valentine's day DIY ideas

There are some Valentine’s day ideas – simple, the ones which can be really done and are very lovely.

2015 January 20


Non-standard stairs

Some examples of non-standart stairs which are used for example as the table, shelf or cosy reading corner under them.

2015 January 13


Restaurant full of bones

Restaurant full of bones which looks as a museum because you can look at the walls probably all day long. Great solution!

2015 January 10


Jars in the kitchen

Jars in the kitchen are my weakness so I invite you to explore the jars beauty and get inspired by amazing pictures.

2015 January 4


SPA interior design

This nail spa interior in Australia is really trendy and gives some calmness even from the photos themselves!

2015 January 2

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