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2018 February 7

Teksto autorius: Evelina

While working with the customers I have noticed that usually it’s paid so little attention to a bedroom interior and even less to a bed. It’s usual already to get responses that there’re no requirements for this piece of furniture. But I’d say that’s to no purpose because when you buy a bed you can be disappointed with its functionality as well as design.

I want to introduce you to three types of bed that can help to use space purposefully. That’s especially relevant if you live in a small premise. Of course, that’s not the only limit while choosing a bed (please don’t forget a bed-head and materiality), but in this post I’ll not talk about that.

A bed with legs and free space under a mattress

This bed type is good because you have the possibility to easily clean dust and a mattress can easily breath. A space under a bed can be easily used as additional space to keep items. Finally, such beds look easier and visually do not overwhelm the interior in a way that beds without legs do.

Which are the possible minuses?

Most usually such beds don’t have a bedding box. What is more, the ones who don’t have cleaning habits usually forget that it’s necessary to clean under a bed or they make a small trash below. If you want a space which would look not so overloaded please try not to keep a lot of items under a bed.

A bed without legs, a space under mattress is blindfolded

When a bed doesn’t have legs, the furniture itself looks considerably more massive and it seems that it stronger stands on the ground. Men especially like those types of beds because they are of a rather simple construction and design. It would be a sin not to use space under a mattress, therefore, for those who live in small premises I’d suggest choosing beds which have a sheet box or drawers.

When you choose such type of beds, it’ s compulsory to get some advice about a mattress so that air ventilation was ensured. Well, and the obvious plus is that less dusts must be used.

A bed with a sheet box/lift mattress

In my subjective opinion, that’s the best beds because I like furniture in which more items fit. Why to resist a sheet box where you can fit in and other items? Maybe there’s enough space available at the moment but in a year you’ll have more items and space under a bed will be useful.

The choice of these beds is really big. You can choose beds with legs which look more easily or more massive beds which are without legs, therefore, it remains the business of taste of each one. The only minus is a higher price, well, but it’s indeed, I think, logical to pay a higher price for a more complicated construction.

In addition, instead of a lift mattress you can find beds with drawers where you can keep bedding (as in the last photo).

Which type of bed would you choose or have you already chosen? Please comment under the article?


Lina M.

Pas mane lova su patalynės dėže. Kitokios net neįsivaizduoju :D

(2) · (0) · Reply · 2018 February 1


Turime lovą su patalynės dėže, mielai pakeisčiau į lovą su kojelėmis, nes pastaroji mažoje patalpoje tikrai atrodo lengvesnė, grakštesnė, lengviau po ja išvalyti. Netiesa, kad mažiau reikia priežiūros lovai, kuri tvirtai stovi ant žemės. Patalynės dėžė greitai ir gausiai pridulka, reikia pastoviai valyti ir nesinori ten nieko laikyti, nes nespėji pamatyt, o daiktai, patalynės maišai kaip miltais nukloti

(4) · (1) · Reply · 2018 February 1


Išsirinkom lovą su kojytėmis, grotelėmis ir patalynės dėže. Kainavo pasakiškai, bet nesigailiu, kambariukas mažiukas, o lova ir elegantiška ir talpi. Aišku nervina tos dulkės po ja, bet žinoma geriau kai priešas matomas :) 

(4) · (0) · Reply · 2018 February 1

Evelina Aleliūnienė

Priešas nematomas :D gerai pasakyta!

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2018 February 5

Gitana Kat

ir mūsų miegamojo erdvė labai suspausta, todėl rinkomės medžiaginę su metalinėmis lengvomis kojelėmis, su patalynės dėže. O po lova išsiurbia robotukas. Kasdien :)

(3) · (0) · Reply · 2018 February 2

Evelina Aleliūnienė

O super! Visai iš galvos iškrito robotukas - tuomet visi rūpesčiai dėl dulkių valymo atkrenta :)

(0) · (0) · Reply · 2018 February 5


Turiu lovą su stalčiais. Nesąmonė tikra :) Salčiukai du nedidukai, o likusi erdvė po lova neišnaudota. Lova stovi be kojyčių, išvalyti po ja galima tik pakėlus čiužinį (be mechanizmo, nes juk patalynė stalčiuose, tai kam tas pakėlimo mechanizmas) Taigi ieškau lovos su patalynės dėže, bet ant kojų, kad robotukas po ja pavažiuotų, kad patalynės dėžė atsidarytų su mechanizmu ir kad nebūtų itin kažkokia masyvi su išpūstai gobeleniniais šonais. Nieko atitinkančio visus kriterijus nerandu :D Nsimato ilgos paieškos :)

(1) · (0) · Reply · 2020 February 10

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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