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2016 November 29

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Wall murals have been an indicator of a bad taste for a long time for me – I simply didn’t see anything nice! I completely randomly found those – Scandinavian surface (Norway) and simply fell in love. I don’t even doubt that when the time comes I will decorate my wall with those wallpapers at home. Each wallpaper is as a separate art work, as if it is a picture, as if it’s a part of nature moved to the house.

Separate parts can be seen from very close which are made of very small tiny details and patterns until finally it merges into one whole when you’re looking from a huge distance.

You can apply size in accordance with your premise measurements. Wallpapers are made of a non-woven material which is stable and durable and width of each part is 45 centimetres. The best news is that everybody can send it home – and sends it in a whole world! 

photowall.comfototapetai skandinaviski

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Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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