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2014 February 13

Teksto autorius: Evelina

Aesop – an Australian body care product, founded in Melbourne in 1987, distinguishing with its quality and representation. Each store (which are set in a whole world), offering this production, distinguishes with its distinctive interior and solutions. Hundreds of bottles have to be exhibited, but it’s already a designer’s work how to make it in more beautiful and comfortable way.

One more feature of Aesop shops is noticed – a washbasin/sink which is usually combined with copper faucets, is obligatory. It’s loved to use a lot of wood, colors white and black (with some exceptions). It’s a quite strong sign of identification – as, for probably everyone else, black paper sacks and black interior associates with a shop store Mango, those bottles – with Aesop.

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retaildesignblog.netbody care store design

retaildesignblog.netpaper boxes

petitepassport.comblack sink

therisinghollywood.combottles on the wall

archpaper.comaesop stores interior


Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

Teksto autorius


My name is Evelina Aleliūnienė. I'm founder of this blog and interior designer. Writing this blog helps me while doing this kind of job and is a great bundle of beautiful ideas for you!

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